Sunday, May 18, 2008

Garlic, Pepper, and Onion

"For it is every cook's opinion -
No savory dish without an onion,

But lest your kissing should be spoiled
Your onions must be fully boiled."

- Jonathan Swift

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mango tortoises?

Pear and parsley salad

Last night, I cut up ripe Anjou pear on a cutting board that had previously held some chopped Italian parsley. When I tasted a hint of parsley on one of the pear slices, I was struck with a bolt of inspiration. The flavors complemented each other very well and demanded to be featured in a salad. Seeking a texture to contrast with the soft pear, I added some chopped pecans. I would have finished it off with some gorgonzola cheese but I didn't have any on hand. Instead, continuing the 'p' alliteration, I added some black pepper. This really accentuated the herby flavor of the parsley, but it swung the sweet/savory balance a little too far toward the savory end of the spectrum, so I drizzled some honey on top and finished it off with a pinch of fleur de sel. Voila!

This experience got me to thinking about alliterations in recipes. I have always been amused by the unusual harmony the "c" spices: cumin, coriander, clove, cardamom, cayenne pepper, curry powder, etc. But this was my first experience with the combination of pear, parsley, pecan, and peppercorns. I urge you to try it, and to share your own favorite alliteration recipe.